Convert IP/CIDR address to IP range

How to use convertor?

Enter the IP with CIDR notation into the form above and click the [Convert] button. For example, if you enter the IP address, you will get the IP range: - Click here to test this example.

What is CIDR?

The Wikipedia says

Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR /ˈsaɪdər, ˈsɪ-/) is a method for allocating IP addresses and IP routing. The Internet Engineering Task Force introduced CIDR in 1993 to replace the previous addressing architecture of classful network design in the Internet. Its goal was to slow the growth of routing tables on routers across the Internet, and to help slow the rapid exhaustion of IPv4 addresses.

IP addresses are described as consisting of two groups of bits in the address: the most significant bits are the network prefix, which identifies a whole network or subnet, and the least significant set forms the host identifier, which specifies a particular interface of a host on that network. This division is used as the basis of traffic routing between IP networks and for address allocation policies.

Whereas classful network design for IPv4 sized the network prefix as one or more 8-bit groups, resulting in the blocks of Class A, B, or C addresses, Classless Inter-Domain Routing allocates address space to Internet service providers and end users on any address bit boundary. In IPv6, however, the interface identifier has a fixed size of 64 bits by convention, and smaller subnets are never allocated to end users.

CIDR encompasses several concepts. It is based on the variable-length subnet masking (VLSM) technique, which allows the specification of arbitrary-length prefixes. CIDR introduced a new method of representation for IP addresses, now commonly known as CIDR notation, in which an address or routing prefix is written with a suffix indicating the number of bits of the prefix, such as for IPv4, and 2001:db8::/32 for IPv6. CIDR introduced an administrative process of allocating address blocks to organizations based on their actual and short-term projected needs. The aggregation of multiple contiguous prefixes resulted in supernets in the larger Internet, which whenever possible are advertised as aggregates, thus reducing the number of entries in the global routing table.

CIDR Subnet Table

CIDR LengthMask# Networks# Hosts
/32255.255.255.2551/256 C1
/30255.255.255.25264 subnets2
/29255.255.255.24832 subnets6
/28255.255.255.24016 subnets14
/27255.255.255.2248 subnets30
/26255.255.255.1924 subnets62
/25255.255.255.1282 subnets124
/24255.255.255.01 C254
/23255.255.254.02 C508
/22255.255.252.04 C1,016
/21255.255.248.08 C2,032
/20255.255.240.016 C4,064
/19255.255.224.032 C8,128
/18255.255.192.064 C16,256
/17255.255.128.0128 C32,512
/16255.255.0.01 B65,024
/15255.254.0.02 B131,068
/14255.252.0.04 B262,136
/13255.248.0.08 B524,272
/12255.240.0.016 B1,048,544
/11255.224.0.032 B2,097,088
/10255.192.0.064 B4,194,176
/9255.128.0.0128 B8,388,352
/8255.0.0.01 A 16,777,214
/7254.0.0.02 A33,554,428
/6252.0.0.04 A67,108,856
/5248.0.0.08 A 134,217,712
/4240.0.0.016 A 268,435,424
/3224.0.0.032 A536,870,848
/2192.0.0.064 A1,073,741,696
/1128.0.0.0128 A2,147,483,392
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