FAQ about dates and time

How many days in the months?

JanuaryJan31 days
FebruaryFeb28 days in a common year and 29 days in leap years
MarchMar31 days
AprilApr30 days
MayMay31 days
JuneJun30 days
JulyJul31 days
AugustAug31 days
SeptemberSep30 days
OctoberOct31 days
NovemberNov30 days
DecemberDec31 days

What is a leap year?

A year of 366 days in the Gregorian calendar, occurring every fourth year: the additional day, Feb. 29, makes up for the time lost annually when the approximate 365¼-day cycle** is computed as 365 days: a leap year is a year whose number is exactly divisible by 4, or, in case of the final year of a century, by 400
** The length of a year is (more or less) 365.242196 days

Leap year validator


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