FNV1A64 hash for "pizza" is "658f4765b35947c5"

FNV1A64 encoded string


Your last 10 encodings


String "pizza" encoded to other algorithms

Here you can view hashes for "pizza" string encoded with other popular algorithms

MD2 87e0250a85cc97ef7076692eca9faea8
MD4 ecad14173d4b4ca0bf4547eb1bbf3fa3
MD5 7cf2db5ec261a0fa27a502d3196a6f60
SHA1 1f6ccd2be75f1cc94a22a773eea8f8aeb5c68217
SHA224 96e3cebcd795276f4049bf6fafd285c3a1de35fdd4ed6fa1f678528a
SHA256 9ed1515819dec61fd361d5fdabb57f41ecce1a5fe1fe263b98c0d6943b9b232e
SHA384 f64d4f083ada56024b33f4f3b0a21d1ffa7ada4d9427abb0d43970c831b5b67a3988a0628507ff9b9bbd2b26d99ecce2
SHA512/224 774121002706d5c9e9897da88556d756eeb198adaf331eb6406f3d1c
SHA512/256 a93a577779847becc120235f33fb5fc9480e88d278c2eb156a64c5d052784030
SHA512 d8fefb4255686e6bf365b0f4763fad983f624beb7cbbb59b617c745c346b8db51a870fe0a89cfba036cfbf2d011686b881acd8ab3278b318a304227ac2a99072
SHA3-224 edeff1d739cb3611f4d7938da6d058230e0236fb640ee573e20ee7d3
SHA3-256 992326426703c2baeb5beff622f3839dd3948ee6c8b2785bcd5688d0a42f15fb
SHA3-384 65b623d3c35a91eeddd2c2ad049e2cea9a453ce7edb13ef95b6638ff7d1f75154dccc8c0a7c5c35ccf6410a64eca3b8d
SHA3-512 d76d5aac14363d0da9a22e8d9907c30ddd0e2254ff8c9a67586a4bc360c7faea9b849f9f80ff55ae3ed38f1d4a528d6f32734a96e869647815fce51da20ee29c
RIPEMD128 e5143564908541397a66aa9a32de85e6
RIPEMD160 70d2fc556f027005de03cac4909357a177475600
RIPEMD256 8ed4a7abff5220704e521f1d457f699a6c9681343d9c47dffe31cb872731539b
RIPEMD320 bc5b07d76abd3dc49df7212efe0c785f922881776b60b2422e3e3fe57b6e93ed27317bebd7004aeb
WHIRLPOOL 413fb23a489ffd80570faa2e63c65ae7daeece1e879b9079299391f34f4f1f0d660a53e33ef0432beceb0c6f008bd7e9b563424e5111a094f7c0ed1d8c951a32
TIGER128,3 b262e77a7f4a86c1523135cb448334d4
TIGER160,3 b262e77a7f4a86c1523135cb448334d4228d848a
TIGER192,3 b262e77a7f4a86c1523135cb448334d4228d848a7837ef20
TIGER128,4 908afc0da5397fd4077ed5398efe0d28
TIGER160,4 908afc0da5397fd4077ed5398efe0d2872e20f53
TIGER192,4 908afc0da5397fd4077ed5398efe0d2872e20f537c69ca81
SNEFRU b75ed5a96c548822cc088556b43a2a7642fc86cb3a28abf6b3c3034167d3e8c7
SNEFRU256 b75ed5a96c548822cc088556b43a2a7642fc86cb3a28abf6b3c3034167d3e8c7
GOST 73a3561f2bdc40ed8183acc3798c1a8aa251796ee555242054d02c66ff180946
GOST-CRYPTO dd360dc92f2dfa25d6f22732f5f237aecd6a932b2c210d8d21f18748945eef3d
ADLER32 069c022f
CRC32 e51f458e
CRC32B cfdd826f
CRC32C 06331712
FNV132 58b78bb9
FNV1A32 97a76a65
FNV164 81e02d4831556c59
FNV1A64 658f4765b35947c5
JOAAT ee1f45e3
MURMUR3A d5d988af
MURMUR3C afc5d8a3653a43e804f1eaf004f1eaf0
MURMUR3F a8d485636af33c14ec182c67d240fc61
XXH32 a93d0774
XXH64 faaf9dc29a532c85
XXH3 6d7612e57842218f
XXH128 8fd1000519d1c63a3badd3e803143900
HAVAL128,3 a2eb9c1fd9b7d1a96fa77b2201473701
HAVAL160,3 cd27b01485fb53bf89880634cfdd08c3dec1c306
HAVAL192,3 b566e76b2c5ddbfbc337f6c23324355dd90214dcbcc45695
HAVAL224,3 ddc897c68a303b9f2d30395577623f06b5922adabc795d4d3b605733
HAVAL256,3 424693fe0cad58d1d0d1cfad6648bb306463512e4455f973a53a0a5a66d9cb48
HAVAL128,4 22c9a2d83eacd714e60734d6149bd4b3
HAVAL160,4 8c565c28806aea4b1f1b021b664d696853f328f1
HAVAL192,4 2387240573ebcf89c2cd33be761c3d83123573a801d5c21b
HAVAL224,4 33048ade6061234d750e5fd24b0a7e3563439e80bea70be43eb022f3
HAVAL256,4 db91452c695b27a18ce374a281f782fc7b15426f7a5f28d5bc0249eefc2e08a5
HAVAL128,5 e81068a385953218123539e4fb67cdc0
HAVAL160,5 a0904be75aeb51a85c904beb0c9a0ec740f326e2
HAVAL192,5 91ee2ff07a865eb1d90f3d10bc10a302ed721de25abfce8e
HAVAL224,5 697ac3b12b6be218c1f1e5787d53872560dbd6503b85eead8ae1314c
HAVAL256,5 f7a306ab3b8dd939b8e7084e1fdd76b3bd3fdd78c51cb1b64916c8143721f31c

Usage FAQ

Usage from Address Bar

You can use direct access to this page from your browser address bar. Type string that you need to encode with algorithm according to next schema: https://md5calc.com/hash/<ALGORITHM>/<PHRASE> For example to visit page that contains hash of "hello world" you can just visit url: https://md5calc.com/hash/md5/hello+world The another cool thing is that you can specify "json" or "plain" mode into URL and you will get only HASH in response. Schema of this future: https://md5calc.com/hash/<ALGORITHM>.<OUTPUT:plain|json>/<PHRASE> Example: https://md5calc.com/hash/md5.json/hello+world Will output only: "5eb63bbbe01eeed093cb22bb8f5acdc3"

If you have string that contains complicated urlencoded characters you can send it directly via params to avoid processing of our url parser. Use:
str - for string to encode
algo - for algorithm
output - for output type (empty, "json" or "plain")
https://md5calc.com/hash?algo=<ALGORITHM>&str=<PHRASE>&output=<OUTPUT:plain|json> https://md5calc.com/hash?algo=md5&str=hello%0Aworld https://md5calc.com/hash/md5?str=hello%0Aworld

Usage from Javascript

We have removed CORS restriction so you can use direct access to hash calculator in your javascript applications via AJAX.


var toEncode = 'hello world';
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (xhr.readyState == 4 && xhr.status == 200) {
console.log('JSON of "'+toEncode+'" is "'+JSON.parse(xhr.response)+'"');
xhr.open('GET', 'https://md5calc.com/hash/md5.json/'+encodeURIComponent(toEncode), true);
Will output: JSON of "hello world" is "5eb63bbbe01eeed093cb22bb8f5acdc3"

Usage from PHP

You can use direct access to hash in your applications.

PHP Example: <?php
$str = 'hello world';
$url ='https://md5calc.com/hash/md5.plain/'.urlencode($str);
$md5hash = file_get_contents($url);
echo 'Hash of "'.$str.'" is "'.$md5hash.'"';
Will output: Hash of "hello world" is "5eb63bbbe01eeed093cb22bb8f5acdc3"

Chains of algorithms

In some cases you can need encode string with two or more algorithms. For these cases we have introduced chains of algorithms. For example if you need to encode string according to this schema md5(sha512(sha1('hello world'))) you can do this by connecting algorithms with a double dash: https://md5calc.com/hash/md5--sha512--sha1/hello+world If you will do this in your address bar you can also use semicolon instead of double dash. https://md5calc.com/hash/md5;sha512;sha1/hello+world Pay attention that semicolon should be encoded in url, so if you use it not in your browser, you should use '%3B' instead https://md5calc.com/hash/md5%3Bsha512%3Bsha1/hello+world Such approach can be also used with "plain" and "json" mode https://md5calc.com/hash/md5--sha512--sha1.plain/hello+world https://md5calc.com/hash/md5;sha512;sha1.json/hello+world

You can also use special chain item "b64d" or "base64decode" to make base64 decode. It can help to hash any of not printable characters. Example: https://md5calc.com/hash/md5.plain/hello+world https://md5calc.com/hash/b64d--md5.plain/aGVsbG8gd29ybGQ= will be the same: 5eb63bbbe01eeed093cb22bb8f5acdc3

Carriage Return and Line Feed characters

At present time our text editor doesn't have functionality that can take into account which of those characters you want to keep in string. This problem come from browsers which normalize all of the line endings to "CRLF" ("\r\n") format according to "HTML specification". It means that if you paste from buffer string
"hello\nword" and press "Encode", your browser will convert it to "hello\r\nword" and only after this your browser send FORM to us. As a result we will show you hash of "hello\r\nword" but not "hello\nword"

You can avoid this with encode string to "base64" on your side and use "Chains of algorithms" that described above.

Example 1: Hash from string with only Line Feed (LF) character Text: hello\nworld
Text encoded to BASE64: aGVsbG8Kd29ybGQ=
URL: https://md5calc.com/hash/b64d--md5.plain/aGVsbG8Kd29ybGQ=
RESULT: 9195d0beb2a889e1be05ed6bb1954837

Example 2: Hash from string with Carriage Return (CR) and Line Feed (LF) character. This result you will have if you use editor with CR, LF or CRLF symbols.
Text: hello\r\nworld
Text encoded to BASE64: aGVsbG8NCndvcmxk
URL: https://md5calc.com/hash/b64d--md5.plain/aGVsbG8NCndvcmxk
RESULT: 6a4316b18e6162cf9fcfa435c8eb74c1

How to calculate fnv1a64 hash in PHP with hash function

Since version 5.1.2 PHP contains function hash() that you can use to get fnv1a64 hash from strings.

    $str = '¡Hola!';
    $hash = hash('fnv1a64', $str, false);
    echo '<pre>';
    echo $str.PHP_EOL
         .' &rarr; '.$hash.PHP_EOL
    echo '</pre>';
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