XXH128 hash for "['CM' 'KNOP']" is "a9f4782ce847d14e86c08be60b18efc9"

XXH128 encoded string


Your last 10 encodings

xxh128['CM' 'KNOP']a9f4782ce847d14e86c08be60b18efc9

String "['CM' 'KNOP']" encoded to other algorithms

Here you can view hashes for "['CM' 'KNOP']" string encoded with other popular algorithms

MD2 eb177e0f48cb9f3f040ac9498d3ec0b2
MD4 00efa684fdc75216c4d2ca4388d34996
MD5 3c29d8e1e1b009e1ee59b0534d5ad7c6
SHA1 21718fd51265be6d7ae6f58b50a24989bd0ab969
SHA224 802f8e9e28649f32189c2695cc81646513615b36a5ca9df6ae3492cf
SHA256 1a415ed2a2d3ef85ec2e387306d39628bcf90df121608bd5cae7dd59c59d15e3
SHA384 cd7ba3c6e4b6a9b8e535ef16c53815c7061d0ba9169f860d7a0f3042d9029a620ae5ee306a06d3850206ada97a31d0a5
SHA512/224 3c5cbfd44d47a1bc7d596b62ff80581a60c10fa578252b0fddcf3faf
SHA512/256 8c39716c7f090c3f874f8b19a7be3c2eca8e9d8db23120b20b13f2dcf63c63d0
SHA512 a7db05e8eb7876226a010a19755354853f6aa8254cce9dac0fcaf092f1b542298b931afb17630d25afdf632ee9b4bdea06a3253651db23026bed1e27d9ceb46a
SHA3-224 35ce40a6d94c09b65ee4cebb4c18142159538c8a5773aae75fa1d339
SHA3-256 2b1379ae4fb2788874fa551818f97dd6e4d4c97636d62c413f6b015845a3661a
SHA3-384 92f23d9657cc99dc91f6f9cc8cc0cf91173879a520701e9102b2873d4ac090dd574f2f0919178f2b486e07c2952c73e4
SHA3-512 7d88133ff9fbc3fe8756a0cbf60942e0cd032a6cd9a0ec8534f7033bce0c807059861031e8f39c8a05ff35baf0654d6403274cf56ddf0a337ea15cc2caa634cd
RIPEMD128 bc7e23617aa2a2d094d54b725cd6bc9d
RIPEMD160 d34539751dd8e9e55f2fe4830cbbd77b5ba3fe9b
RIPEMD256 0d38b69b8521a5314e6cab8b6ed429db6801b93eb4dfee0bc11fbd66642d6a0f
RIPEMD320 0f03e9a09d5df8ff09a615fb809cd9fd73117ab33ad407d89a8f56afa628824a1c70c7b892f91ec6
WHIRLPOOL 008294b9167e155994476378ca0ebaf92f2929869217797a13e739756d7c53c2c832e9351a9c0501a36e984e8daf5bfe053315cd2eae615050f7bba33f343729
TIGER128,3 050fefa75d756318992f7a17b2a94524
TIGER160,3 050fefa75d756318992f7a17b2a9452496a6e986
TIGER192,3 050fefa75d756318992f7a17b2a9452496a6e986da09504e
TIGER128,4 f2d9ef7a9baf8987f53d0f7d49633393
TIGER160,4 f2d9ef7a9baf8987f53d0f7d496333938181b63f
TIGER192,4 f2d9ef7a9baf8987f53d0f7d496333938181b63f2388433f
SNEFRU 12db7880233718c2360357a9b5353a27a1d05af39dbefc34778281a8a4eb9053
SNEFRU256 12db7880233718c2360357a9b5353a27a1d05af39dbefc34778281a8a4eb9053
GOST c81517c076c3ec2dcef786c4031579584cf5703a4a95eb8ef2dc9cb20bfc8aba
GOST-CRYPTO adee3d302834fbcc111ed266b73965126cec9d052e6f3ddf85410e51a2bbfd51
ADLER32 15f2033d
CRC32 3ada854f
CRC32B 5e046087
CRC32C b9cbe31d
FNV132 dbb3bd7b
FNV1A32 fb145d6f
FNV164 90dac46303b7eb1b
FNV1A64 509902fc030a450f
JOAAT d313834a
MURMUR3A 2d2c9ac2
MURMUR3C 47b1c191a0fa130fbc31e407f34fdd18
MURMUR3F c74f5c95d4acbde2fa3a4ad6f1a5219e
XXH32 e631cc45
XXH64 adaa55dc766566b9
XXH3 50845a09840fb894
XXH128 a9f4782ce847d14e86c08be60b18efc9
HAVAL128,3 f8f0864c3d8e4678d870410a84664401
HAVAL160,3 4f3addafb1646a710f2e96ef37528d525e8db454
HAVAL192,3 b8a49fdfafb5342aed09f187f35018fe0def15a2cee746d7
HAVAL224,3 1a9ec55e010ff22d545655658fb95bf9bde2fa2d8b198917d9ad70f3
HAVAL256,3 0815a1b2b0909a1090a0b2a0f9e5eb1bf51a6bd4bafef7eb81ec474ec17eee1b
HAVAL128,4 57eda4d93d7d6251fef2cd121e74f889
HAVAL160,4 dee0d4eea728039919e01df7fceb3696dda86484
HAVAL192,4 974d0eed45ba2bcd97e3af24694613a8137ce12dfd78a755
HAVAL224,4 7b8a21ccbcb7a9a930307190df75fa8d5da98820e1875e3148971921
HAVAL256,4 0e8619ed3da2d1393015c8f3a67b012f27b0365da9a510f68c1bc05dee8bbd21
HAVAL128,5 e51baff7d90121b2cc937bc4a0ba2eca
HAVAL160,5 ea208e89cf8ab86e90d29891a69f486c47f79a3b
HAVAL192,5 bdc2b5646216bf35cecf4b0dd7c7e1ec8130d450b419923d
HAVAL224,5 0d485c93fa279a227f0d0cfb9514d922c79bb07b41b3475116727dee
HAVAL256,5 31a6c58683848ff0900a51e8bb9c2e8e34c200d3b99cd7853d7dffd0f57f0e74

Usage FAQ

Usage from Address Bar

You can use direct access to this page from your browser address bar. Type string that you need to encode with algorithm according to next schema: https://md5calc.com/hash/<ALGORITHM>/<PHRASE> For example to visit page that contains hash of "hello world" you can just visit url: https://md5calc.com/hash/md5/hello+world The another cool thing is that you can specify "json" or "plain" mode into URL and you will get only HASH in response. Schema of this future: https://md5calc.com/hash/<ALGORITHM>.<OUTPUT:plain|json>/<PHRASE> Example: https://md5calc.com/hash/md5.json/hello+world Will output only: "5eb63bbbe01eeed093cb22bb8f5acdc3"

If you have string that contains complicated urlencoded characters you can send it directly via params to avoid processing of our url parser. Use:
str - for string to encode
algo - for algorithm
output - for output type (empty, "json" or "plain")
https://md5calc.com/hash?algo=<ALGORITHM>&str=<PHRASE>&output=<OUTPUT:plain|json> https://md5calc.com/hash?algo=md5&str=hello%0Aworld https://md5calc.com/hash/md5?str=hello%0Aworld

Usage from Javascript

We have removed CORS restriction so you can use direct access to hash calculator in your javascript applications via AJAX.


var toEncode = 'hello world';
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (xhr.readyState == 4 && xhr.status == 200) {
console.log('JSON of "'+toEncode+'" is "'+JSON.parse(xhr.response)+'"');
xhr.open('GET', 'https://md5calc.com/hash/md5.json/'+encodeURIComponent(toEncode), true);
Will output: JSON of "hello world" is "5eb63bbbe01eeed093cb22bb8f5acdc3"

Usage from PHP

You can use direct access to hash in your applications.

PHP Example: <?php
$str = 'hello world';
$url ='https://md5calc.com/hash/md5.plain/'.urlencode($str);
$md5hash = file_get_contents($url);
echo 'Hash of "'.$str.'" is "'.$md5hash.'"';
Will output: Hash of "hello world" is "5eb63bbbe01eeed093cb22bb8f5acdc3"

Chains of algorithms

In some cases you can need encode string with two or more algorithms. For these cases we have introduced chains of algorithms. For example if you need to encode string according to this schema md5(sha512(sha1('hello world'))) you can do this by connecting algorithms with a double dash: https://md5calc.com/hash/md5--sha512--sha1/hello+world If you will do this in your address bar you can also use semicolon instead of double dash. https://md5calc.com/hash/md5;sha512;sha1/hello+world Pay attention that semicolon should be encoded in url, so if you use it not in your browser, you should use '%3B' instead https://md5calc.com/hash/md5%3Bsha512%3Bsha1/hello+world Such approach can be also used with "plain" and "json" mode https://md5calc.com/hash/md5--sha512--sha1.plain/hello+world https://md5calc.com/hash/md5;sha512;sha1.json/hello+world

You can also use special chain item "b64d" or "base64decode" to make base64 decode. It can help to hash any of not printable characters. Example: https://md5calc.com/hash/md5.plain/hello+world https://md5calc.com/hash/b64d--md5.plain/aGVsbG8gd29ybGQ= will be the same: 5eb63bbbe01eeed093cb22bb8f5acdc3

Carriage Return and Line Feed characters

At present time our text editor doesn't have functionality that can take into account which of those characters you want to keep in string. This problem come from browsers which normalize all of the line endings to "CRLF" ("\r\n") format according to "HTML specification". It means that if you paste from buffer string
"hello\nword" and press "Encode", your browser will convert it to "hello\r\nword" and only after this your browser send FORM to us. As a result we will show you hash of "hello\r\nword" but not "hello\nword"

You can avoid this with encode string to "base64" on your side and use "Chains of algorithms" that described above.

Example 1: Hash from string with only Line Feed (LF) character Text: hello\nworld
Text encoded to BASE64: aGVsbG8Kd29ybGQ=
URL: https://md5calc.com/hash/b64d--md5.plain/aGVsbG8Kd29ybGQ=
RESULT: 9195d0beb2a889e1be05ed6bb1954837

Example 2: Hash from string with Carriage Return (CR) and Line Feed (LF) character. This result you will have if you use editor with CR, LF or CRLF symbols.
Text: hello\r\nworld
Text encoded to BASE64: aGVsbG8NCndvcmxk
URL: https://md5calc.com/hash/b64d--md5.plain/aGVsbG8NCndvcmxk
RESULT: 6a4316b18e6162cf9fcfa435c8eb74c1

How to calculate xxh128 hash in PHP with hash function

Since version 5.1.2 PHP contains function hash() that you can use to get xxh128 hash from strings.

    $str = '¡Hola!';
    $hash = hash('xxh128', $str, false);
    echo '<pre>';
    echo $str.PHP_EOL
         .' &rarr; '.$hash.PHP_EOL
    echo '</pre>';
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