XXH3 hash for "['AXP']" is "34ab7629c7f1dc1c"

XXH3 encoded string


Your last 10 encodings


String "['AXP']" encoded to other algorithms

Here you can view hashes for "['AXP']" string encoded with other popular algorithms

MD2 96438ba1a3364d3d41defdf2118b0364
MD4 63abe34972c4eb18cc40c785b3c64402
MD5 3e73040ab54aca29d02d81275917cc5e
SHA1 ebedcab4e8f4cd0e1f988948a91ef9ed9a8bbe1d
SHA224 3736e0a10ba08e573b0603665b301427a83f724056f61958ba0c312c
SHA256 e51966f3dd9f7f23a89c7e7cbee16a8cd427b162c73f64926b79448c4edf0ef1
SHA384 4a5805465daa8ad9f24eeff92b1851859f26e6efa0b94a0acb5b830a69fa3604539acd0272cbe8dfe3a974573c98ab3e
SHA512/224 f12c4f73bfa167f0f99fcc2e27dad3234f2f7f889770841b8e92c178
SHA512/256 729ba5f97cb68660285ae21289cd4e1164f4c968a56fb13087a0cf1567617dae
SHA512 50383b6ec872b268d89fb8701bbbb58f5eeaeedc0ec46d4f584284906581b4af02de13780cb655b5acd72a36e8cce6d294aca0d13ed3a25cd9e821201f00838b
SHA3-224 12fccad89f1f142fedf0b1ae670211efc02cab3cea9322b955426a05
SHA3-256 520787bb49a2a4d0b1eee8c7a978e386d4137ac16e7f0de42bc7c4bfa925be76
SHA3-384 879f3aebeb8c9b77ceac1169b5e3ac94ea441069ff23ee44047bfbbd15eebae6c56b3b81e4731609ee6d9ceaa6bec89a
SHA3-512 daa5d6929f0be38fafa4499a0c89126f9bf403bd054703d02f031ac9682e3e7785c0c27388c4b0264b96745b8daeacbccf05c45b6b745024c5da8fc9bcd57e62
RIPEMD128 ad805a1d132801e9d3bd8d4df3d10c18
RIPEMD160 658efa295d01772d2227bcff307464b48c41d6bb
RIPEMD256 23d314fe63babf2d4c4cbf82601e6dc78aac63643448f15cd0d0341c4923d4ba
RIPEMD320 6eb8a98cf0cf3416ad426bf8fea70ddb7b723eb5c9170386550c54a469298d026f108169573694f2
WHIRLPOOL 812609ef7ef747f7d992bd53df8b2ec41eeaad0e18654ac4fe57b590185dd418580456492a4d10d5db766309aa76e0ad19f97ffa4e1038ce26a49279c330ea5c
TIGER128,3 979266a07ba2ce503e885267607e8a45
TIGER160,3 979266a07ba2ce503e885267607e8a4554816c3c
TIGER192,3 979266a07ba2ce503e885267607e8a4554816c3c38982975
TIGER128,4 90ad5852fdebb044963100df2d5a38d1
TIGER160,4 90ad5852fdebb044963100df2d5a38d1b0a3ca0a
TIGER192,4 90ad5852fdebb044963100df2d5a38d1b0a3ca0a92d9324d
SNEFRU a502a2bf0f8b73c1bfedebd47e0305f815c787f560383bcd2a238801263d938b
SNEFRU256 a502a2bf0f8b73c1bfedebd47e0305f815c787f560383bcd2a238801263d938b
GOST 4c7994227c387415f496c7610a54505b4da31392f93a81e8692bca4b06fb2cd8
GOST-CRYPTO bfc8dca04f73be39e282f8077c4a896bd057809edf70adb13bf991467a09456c
ADLER32 07ae01f0
CRC32 ef9de622
CRC32B 6e9eb095
CRC32C 4fad3cb0
FNV132 9e514cb0
FNV1A32 e0e51a5e
FNV164 de533f027dd91870
FNV1A64 a4f87a3cbfd4fdbe
JOAAT 1bc579bc
MURMUR3A a37e405c
MURMUR3C 1cead8191e911b5790079a8e90079a8e
MURMUR3F 3b9bef05e91098c4862b3e95a204ab50
XXH32 b132e07e
XXH64 6de7c29973902dc9
XXH3 34ab7629c7f1dc1c
XXH128 bc7d5012b92ee3bb97e1c194858416ef
HAVAL128,3 6fb5d9fee5467da366f8d6cd73d7aa7b
HAVAL160,3 c4bce4ec321fd028388e4e0ca187b192c1cf594f
HAVAL192,3 7d4f24b65d1ff63b5c806804c451d4bc545ed2d26f24af39
HAVAL224,3 2582d2db74bcdffaec24aa5ebd3ffa28545853c3d42223ad5cda94a0
HAVAL256,3 b0760ec283c2b7fc7a06729d72872fea9f7ec0b8bdf341f6015a944186342a3d
HAVAL128,4 c8883221db8a56721d214a2154f52507
HAVAL160,4 21c8acfeea3f65f98ec6e0af829e3f8e022a33ab
HAVAL192,4 976c4e5005a81e65292d4625eb6062f3dcc016e4e75f5973
HAVAL224,4 b11c5babd7996f4927780148ed03ae175c6c679834a7b2e9cc0a9fc9
HAVAL256,4 f2cff1975535f6a747259c52fd613fb936200532c2fd4b781b38c5f6e8915e4b
HAVAL128,5 51e338cbf0ccd9e8e77d6d3690835c14
HAVAL160,5 490e37443d9593bd47cbfa7823c3dce9167d3076
HAVAL192,5 4bdff0bd041809c45728f3c4ed6f91c32f2c7c39f928ce29
HAVAL224,5 5e72a9eeddf0fcb3ccd785b311b508cb4584f49a0ee469f8355713a7
HAVAL256,5 79e0d7ed11aed49fa624836dc41f070257d40a89efb86077820fed8b5ff059ea

Usage FAQ

Usage from Address Bar

You can use direct access to this page from your browser address bar. Type string that you need to encode with algorithm according to next schema: https://md5calc.com/hash/<ALGORITHM>/<PHRASE> For example to visit page that contains hash of "hello world" you can just visit url: https://md5calc.com/hash/md5/hello+world The another cool thing is that you can specify "json" or "plain" mode into URL and you will get only HASH in response. Schema of this future: https://md5calc.com/hash/<ALGORITHM>.<OUTPUT:plain|json>/<PHRASE> Example: https://md5calc.com/hash/md5.json/hello+world Will output only: "5eb63bbbe01eeed093cb22bb8f5acdc3"

If you have string that contains complicated urlencoded characters you can send it directly via params to avoid processing of our url parser. Use:
str - for string to encode
algo - for algorithm
output - for output type (empty, "json" or "plain")
https://md5calc.com/hash?algo=<ALGORITHM>&str=<PHRASE>&output=<OUTPUT:plain|json> https://md5calc.com/hash?algo=md5&str=hello%0Aworld https://md5calc.com/hash/md5?str=hello%0Aworld

Usage from Javascript

We have removed CORS restriction so you can use direct access to hash calculator in your javascript applications via AJAX.


var toEncode = 'hello world';
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (xhr.readyState == 4 && xhr.status == 200) {
console.log('JSON of "'+toEncode+'" is "'+JSON.parse(xhr.response)+'"');
xhr.open('GET', 'https://md5calc.com/hash/md5.json/'+encodeURIComponent(toEncode), true);
Will output: JSON of "hello world" is "5eb63bbbe01eeed093cb22bb8f5acdc3"

Usage from PHP

You can use direct access to hash in your applications.

PHP Example: <?php
$str = 'hello world';
$url ='https://md5calc.com/hash/md5.plain/'.urlencode($str);
$md5hash = file_get_contents($url);
echo 'Hash of "'.$str.'" is "'.$md5hash.'"';
Will output: Hash of "hello world" is "5eb63bbbe01eeed093cb22bb8f5acdc3"

Chains of algorithms

In some cases you can need encode string with two or more algorithms. For these cases we have introduced chains of algorithms. For example if you need to encode string according to this schema md5(sha512(sha1('hello world'))) you can do this by connecting algorithms with a double dash: https://md5calc.com/hash/md5--sha512--sha1/hello+world If you will do this in your address bar you can also use semicolon instead of double dash. https://md5calc.com/hash/md5;sha512;sha1/hello+world Pay attention that semicolon should be encoded in url, so if you use it not in your browser, you should use '%3B' instead https://md5calc.com/hash/md5%3Bsha512%3Bsha1/hello+world Such approach can be also used with "plain" and "json" mode https://md5calc.com/hash/md5--sha512--sha1.plain/hello+world https://md5calc.com/hash/md5;sha512;sha1.json/hello+world

You can also use special chain item "b64d" or "base64decode" to make base64 decode. It can help to hash any of not printable characters. Example: https://md5calc.com/hash/md5.plain/hello+world https://md5calc.com/hash/b64d--md5.plain/aGVsbG8gd29ybGQ= will be the same: 5eb63bbbe01eeed093cb22bb8f5acdc3

Carriage Return and Line Feed characters

At present time our text editor doesn't have functionality that can take into account which of those characters you want to keep in string. This problem come from browsers which normalize all of the line endings to "CRLF" ("\r\n") format according to "HTML specification". It means that if you paste from buffer string
"hello\nword" and press "Encode", your browser will convert it to "hello\r\nword" and only after this your browser send FORM to us. As a result we will show you hash of "hello\r\nword" but not "hello\nword"

You can avoid this with encode string to "base64" on your side and use "Chains of algorithms" that described above.

Example 1: Hash from string with only Line Feed (LF) character Text: hello\nworld
Text encoded to BASE64: aGVsbG8Kd29ybGQ=
URL: https://md5calc.com/hash/b64d--md5.plain/aGVsbG8Kd29ybGQ=
RESULT: 9195d0beb2a889e1be05ed6bb1954837

Example 2: Hash from string with Carriage Return (CR) and Line Feed (LF) character. This result you will have if you use editor with CR, LF or CRLF symbols.
Text: hello\r\nworld
Text encoded to BASE64: aGVsbG8NCndvcmxk
URL: https://md5calc.com/hash/b64d--md5.plain/aGVsbG8NCndvcmxk
RESULT: 6a4316b18e6162cf9fcfa435c8eb74c1

How to calculate xxh3 hash in PHP with hash function

Since version 5.1.2 PHP contains function hash() that you can use to get xxh3 hash from strings.

    $str = '¡Hola!';
    $hash = hash('xxh3', $str, false);
    echo '<pre>';
    echo $str.PHP_EOL
         .' &rarr; '.$hash.PHP_EOL
    echo '</pre>';
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