XXH3 hash for "['HSTM']" is "f17b62c3b59b6cf2"

XXH3 encoded string


Your last 10 encodings


String "['HSTM']" encoded to other algorithms

Here you can view hashes for "['HSTM']" string encoded with other popular algorithms

MD2 0a64291a835253cab361a9ecfffc2ad2
MD4 41a3a6654221a18e40b98727fa2c6181
MD5 197a8403c7e2c02ac444cbd5d0db866c
SHA1 eb8c52e620f8dae23e90c0bff2714d235f1f70da
SHA224 29b1b0fd07f47c5cd6cab0b306e90192ed736d9006e48cfa5a51359a
SHA256 49e18b2d3535b9e4231c06d27193f9aa8f6f19b8497f3479b5acf058bc396af9
SHA384 f52df3ad8acd3768e6231be98e36b38a95c2e1176d6caccfa0d5748cdc0207f0932af007cb69db49a1dc17d1dbe9cc12
SHA512/224 9afad1ef5f3e937ff55b1ad4e969e253b86b278874d6b7a1aa6c9cb4
SHA512/256 30122606d669d3cfe1e42ea213124518183a5cd651c241a2c5a7fe1937a411ee
SHA512 cc2ac09d6b9bdfe22856fcb9a0c89dc5cf428863dc79f84724db438bddcb53d01514c03449cb4df5528d6d1d95bf54b5ffb7ae45edadabfb114483cd224457ef
SHA3-224 a90916470c66dff124c19183d2cba7666129c39f2afd3bd9b6679bc4
SHA3-256 4582ba9d6f0e0c53f3639d86e93451e4360660a7332343b172ca00de22e64b3f
SHA3-384 c693fea3f393f7449260066295c96bd2f59eea6b5683361f18b99400bd1a0c5acb681a231a826e197ae29ff81f497def
SHA3-512 9d7a8c8f5fe871c1cb88f289106a512795bbb476e9348e7445e3e63319b40e435535353d3109ba8879b4f2741db2ceaba2641a892b9d4a118eb6baac31c480c5
RIPEMD128 ca0f61f947911522d89e49e34c65ea16
RIPEMD160 1d717ade5cf4c77287e1684249f6438507d5df37
RIPEMD256 97b120a9d1137112a04bd268a1c646104a71a2967e028bd5c5940d5203d26107
RIPEMD320 90d9c90c0998d5276257f901761c17b58849a1d49cf77a8d61eb5103af7e96b90dacb16e4966e36c
WHIRLPOOL b6fa1ccc535e1df9432785ef6871600ea5cedfa780803896448b8a165ab7bb25e3fa28659cc80d0b03bc8a8d5e9fbac5bf8b2d0483b604c6b46f1fcfa6ed5eb4
TIGER128,3 176480cdba36d408452a96be7016620a
TIGER160,3 176480cdba36d408452a96be7016620a868c2b9f
TIGER192,3 176480cdba36d408452a96be7016620a868c2b9fd082b427
TIGER128,4 0413349dfe76a72e15227b05ddc16f50
TIGER160,4 0413349dfe76a72e15227b05ddc16f507bc5df36
TIGER192,4 0413349dfe76a72e15227b05ddc16f507bc5df36e4759c02
SNEFRU b933ff3da62409a1a2aa0e8126e35b57b0ea980e0e9e545d8b7506d87080d634
SNEFRU256 b933ff3da62409a1a2aa0e8126e35b57b0ea980e0e9e545d8b7506d87080d634
GOST 76694751f390294349d3c4407595265730a59be0e40dcf8c37f3c535a67ffdc5
GOST-CRYPTO a87ba7c7c0a52249b858bdc1ebbb08ab63c877424c47136bcf579e4bbeb9a455
ADLER32 0a220243
CRC32 0f1ab6b0
CRC32B 08fe13bb
CRC32C 237dd3e0
FNV132 0d4503b9
FNV1A32 4d5f77d1
FNV164 030bd3310fc02159
FNV1A64 6e2fbc7281f8c9f1
JOAAT 3e8cbee2
MURMUR3A b7b05c97
MURMUR3C 82762d27793ae0dd893d1673893d1673
MURMUR3F bfff10a8bae3690af6f779d62c1d37cf
XXH32 6c03da03
XXH64 ed798500295bc2dd
XXH3 f17b62c3b59b6cf2
XXH128 5960305f6dfb15b40328d403a45caada
HAVAL128,3 bcf306eb88daea8374314aa7d39f533c
HAVAL160,3 813ec8741418d2209d3e535c5d53f8ca0ce47ae1
HAVAL192,3 7af7c612001bb6bd80fbf313bbda1fb5912274dc2e141d92
HAVAL224,3 e2d42672e18dad3b61960dc4b2b39173ed85dffebf6b982e0f1761a0
HAVAL256,3 db542ca5166e376cf94f681662442b07d7b8a7c9886e7c49d9df226acc7ed0aa
HAVAL128,4 14fb2174e5503d6978070cdb2cba6b09
HAVAL160,4 5160f6b26a66972bbc69b1c7efbfb572c8841a66
HAVAL192,4 c038a63952bfd2905a03ecb4196fce32f17bd8c112e0ad75
HAVAL224,4 c37c9f8ed58b98f4d8cbc9473ffef856e4160de978bb430b6b59c283
HAVAL256,4 c4c29095d105bd1b1e3e7b154b00f6614f4af363c7ab161810ca79e9fb9e0461
HAVAL128,5 2cbc708445cf00c0c173dc108e9c4f2c
HAVAL160,5 282afd6c68f8db3dd084531f81aca6cb19280d0c
HAVAL192,5 26735d18f0f4fd53005e7cfe4351002dc7b04e0bdf7cb70f
HAVAL224,5 45d51db32f8d1329896708d1e604b90688c711a3b9a1e8fa83dab575
HAVAL256,5 eab263e9f438869de221aef9aa19f64890e255b8b64fd203dd6422538c8cb7d8

Usage FAQ

Usage from Address Bar

You can use direct access to this page from your browser address bar. Type string that you need to encode with algorithm according to next schema: https://md5calc.com/hash/<ALGORITHM>/<PHRASE> For example to visit page that contains hash of "hello world" you can just visit url: https://md5calc.com/hash/md5/hello+world The another cool thing is that you can specify "json" or "plain" mode into URL and you will get only HASH in response. Schema of this future: https://md5calc.com/hash/<ALGORITHM>.<OUTPUT:plain|json>/<PHRASE> Example: https://md5calc.com/hash/md5.json/hello+world Will output only: "5eb63bbbe01eeed093cb22bb8f5acdc3"

If you have string that contains complicated urlencoded characters you can send it directly via params to avoid processing of our url parser. Use:
str - for string to encode
algo - for algorithm
output - for output type (empty, "json" or "plain")
https://md5calc.com/hash?algo=<ALGORITHM>&str=<PHRASE>&output=<OUTPUT:plain|json> https://md5calc.com/hash?algo=md5&str=hello%0Aworld https://md5calc.com/hash/md5?str=hello%0Aworld

Usage from Javascript

We have removed CORS restriction so you can use direct access to hash calculator in your javascript applications via AJAX.


var toEncode = 'hello world';
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (xhr.readyState == 4 && xhr.status == 200) {
console.log('JSON of "'+toEncode+'" is "'+JSON.parse(xhr.response)+'"');
xhr.open('GET', 'https://md5calc.com/hash/md5.json/'+encodeURIComponent(toEncode), true);
Will output: JSON of "hello world" is "5eb63bbbe01eeed093cb22bb8f5acdc3"

Usage from PHP

You can use direct access to hash in your applications.

PHP Example: <?php
$str = 'hello world';
$url ='https://md5calc.com/hash/md5.plain/'.urlencode($str);
$md5hash = file_get_contents($url);
echo 'Hash of "'.$str.'" is "'.$md5hash.'"';
Will output: Hash of "hello world" is "5eb63bbbe01eeed093cb22bb8f5acdc3"

Chains of algorithms

In some cases you can need encode string with two or more algorithms. For these cases we have introduced chains of algorithms. For example if you need to encode string according to this schema md5(sha512(sha1('hello world'))) you can do this by connecting algorithms with a double dash: https://md5calc.com/hash/md5--sha512--sha1/hello+world If you will do this in your address bar you can also use semicolon instead of double dash. https://md5calc.com/hash/md5;sha512;sha1/hello+world Pay attention that semicolon should be encoded in url, so if you use it not in your browser, you should use '%3B' instead https://md5calc.com/hash/md5%3Bsha512%3Bsha1/hello+world Such approach can be also used with "plain" and "json" mode https://md5calc.com/hash/md5--sha512--sha1.plain/hello+world https://md5calc.com/hash/md5;sha512;sha1.json/hello+world

You can also use special chain item "b64d" or "base64decode" to make base64 decode. It can help to hash any of not printable characters. Example: https://md5calc.com/hash/md5.plain/hello+world https://md5calc.com/hash/b64d--md5.plain/aGVsbG8gd29ybGQ= will be the same: 5eb63bbbe01eeed093cb22bb8f5acdc3

Carriage Return and Line Feed characters

At present time our text editor doesn't have functionality that can take into account which of those characters you want to keep in string. This problem come from browsers which normalize all of the line endings to "CRLF" ("\r\n") format according to "HTML specification". It means that if you paste from buffer string
"hello\nword" and press "Encode", your browser will convert it to "hello\r\nword" and only after this your browser send FORM to us. As a result we will show you hash of "hello\r\nword" but not "hello\nword"

You can avoid this with encode string to "base64" on your side and use "Chains of algorithms" that described above.

Example 1: Hash from string with only Line Feed (LF) character Text: hello\nworld
Text encoded to BASE64: aGVsbG8Kd29ybGQ=
URL: https://md5calc.com/hash/b64d--md5.plain/aGVsbG8Kd29ybGQ=
RESULT: 9195d0beb2a889e1be05ed6bb1954837

Example 2: Hash from string with Carriage Return (CR) and Line Feed (LF) character. This result you will have if you use editor with CR, LF or CRLF symbols.
Text: hello\r\nworld
Text encoded to BASE64: aGVsbG8NCndvcmxk
URL: https://md5calc.com/hash/b64d--md5.plain/aGVsbG8NCndvcmxk
RESULT: 6a4316b18e6162cf9fcfa435c8eb74c1

How to calculate xxh3 hash in PHP with hash function

Since version 5.1.2 PHP contains function hash() that you can use to get xxh3 hash from strings.

    $str = '¡Hola!';
    $hash = hash('xxh3', $str, false);
    echo '<pre>';
    echo $str.PHP_EOL
         .' &rarr; '.$hash.PHP_EOL
    echo '</pre>';
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