XXH64 hash for "%5B%27UFPI%27%5D" is "920ebb908a9e4c7f"

XXH64 encoded string


Your last 10 encodings


String "%5B%27UFPI%27%5D" encoded to other algorithms

Here you can view hashes for "%5B%27UFPI%27%5D" string encoded with other popular algorithms

MD2 8ca65228759744de97d7a2efc588c455
MD4 7305c7547940a70ae7b883abc38eff18
MD5 460d8e2b118a2c8460b69553d2965c01
SHA1 f5506a53eb42ad95005e00dd1b406dde597caf6f
SHA224 b08f14e5bb9756cf0aad72a3c86cd95b5f19e517f7fe242ac373649e
SHA256 7f68dca4ea6371b5681bebf03140f16681002078e64ba379354ee03bbda66f63
SHA384 835e064fd34aab2205b2ca413bfa9a967770c819b4c08ad83896f1182adce1374f744548ed8f86df7502f47639328204
SHA512/224 467a72e64da43d96e4ce63216397b017d4ad604d234aef5cb2e6c3b1
SHA512/256 fb9b34cd47373d1cff85586fcb46fb320a9a7dcc049464e3929c55d3bbead135
SHA512 8b9429f3807ffe6451a405b7af6a749ffaacc9fccbc1584b15247677f940fbc56be62e303f6fa9f13f858837416bda174212e3467a0c0e7f34cd0e8747b7a297
SHA3-224 ee2d1f67996d4099e895845502f3e0460e97bdf909d516c6db4ac46e
SHA3-256 bc131e8f0b4813e42172c7ca6cd30d50291a1287c973a556e0fa48661cc3bb0f
SHA3-384 a12de578db96cede7c79c7ac62dbbc53d2e06c6b560546ba59167e60f08f197378e886260622b0540cab2a3c18e575ac
SHA3-512 75e9d61fa794032a101a4b0876d703c15928a43d0dab04d378fff6e69c1ca7e595ff94684c559ee3d36fd2da83772fcbf9d60841372b7fffd38e85b753315aa5
RIPEMD128 400b27720342a5222f565c4d52d3ab51
RIPEMD160 f7bd83a2963a5cb67f5e523380aa16b8104041fc
RIPEMD256 ceebfd0a4adf96a1c1ba27e12fb5c4e17157609268b1dd6f42f40f620cd8daaa
RIPEMD320 9cb8e370bb1c8f3f7c96c011b9c2d7917562b6cc61571623e73ab132548eb1e7940e9d2f4b820347
WHIRLPOOL 7f31276cafb7f1f955ea43f72161509f5f3cc938932deb5df60a4f5ac69b9b2ec8a2acf78ce162e978a2cafb0a75864a41bd1e24c782e53201168a3e13af2091
TIGER128,3 9ab4e6c7d64edd6d352c9504764075dc
TIGER160,3 9ab4e6c7d64edd6d352c9504764075dc173f53d9
TIGER192,3 9ab4e6c7d64edd6d352c9504764075dc173f53d926293384
TIGER128,4 5afc3c6c7c83dd6e8f75a99a39f74217
TIGER160,4 5afc3c6c7c83dd6e8f75a99a39f742175ea236e2
TIGER192,4 5afc3c6c7c83dd6e8f75a99a39f742175ea236e201dbd9e6
SNEFRU e00641fbc3f5f8ea36d8a523e4d0d3da4a66c7689cbb2b5dc4817dd8c384a3cb
SNEFRU256 e00641fbc3f5f8ea36d8a523e4d0d3da4a66c7689cbb2b5dc4817dd8c384a3cb
GOST 3b94e0bb481a4f85555d954fc60d2594c07f83704169450adb1e515025d56e6a
GOST-CRYPTO 3e9c7985b22a31081d30113644e874820f5a1d0a3821b9cb6587bed8bd1bf876
ADLER32 1dc5038b
CRC32 2cfcb893
CRC32B f3424778
CRC32C 7c2c1667
FNV132 e1cd55cb
FNV1A32 cbbc028f
FNV164 3f3f0844dcc36f4b
FNV1A64 cd8afddc4fe6670f
JOAAT 26101f28
MURMUR3A c0472621
MURMUR3C 071029bc5996bfd59a4d86572d94d879
MURMUR3F 6fd39adb7e6736135a04beedf94ea3eb
XXH32 6a0e93a4
XXH64 920ebb908a9e4c7f
XXH3 03127b264069dafc
XXH128 33970949e3a9173b4a06fc337a26b46c
HAVAL128,3 20dc64865f0f2bad0e0b16a9a70d17c0
HAVAL160,3 d0c05a1485f9e16a558750fc0e386c3a10ac8a7a
HAVAL192,3 1328f155efce1488cf1d1c3a934ffa7c2dbbe7d905943bc2
HAVAL224,3 ce8c25c19dc667ab1c136fc35b1a72b8f38256ade5df2b07fe3b6e8c
HAVAL256,3 8e85073faa9b00c28427561edd6225cd3bea317dc0654324768ecd2da503501b
HAVAL128,4 170bf81f6e38fdbf7784557ba24b49cb
HAVAL160,4 211ec5c747102fe2c4bfb3101f4ab9c4c985fd3a
HAVAL192,4 171216dde104ca420fed51922fcd603774b003ece4c3d46d
HAVAL224,4 298349c58228577e8e460fa45fffb45fb4288a7f3f3adcdc97fbe6bb
HAVAL256,4 c4094e91aa57bd45eb9c9efce2841718297a9f298fb27fbab4a3497b495adf80
HAVAL128,5 64801c876ceb4d26f2d120961e8cfe07
HAVAL160,5 072a45482b5f783c307b3cbfd8e0987a95d4639b
HAVAL192,5 1facbaa573df2eea9e3dabd372a7c85efbc2d7d07ef4c8ed
HAVAL224,5 fa57548083d419cf81ffaf3c4a2b34b93645bd2834340bcc8cbc3508
HAVAL256,5 c146ee56e602f7619d7ae3ac92d4fb551778f08b3bab947dbe8302db1ce14cdc

Usage FAQ

Usage from Address Bar

You can use direct access to this page from your browser address bar. Type string that you need to encode with algorithm according to next schema: https://md5calc.com/hash/<ALGORITHM>/<PHRASE> For example to visit page that contains hash of "hello world" you can just visit url: https://md5calc.com/hash/md5/hello+world The another cool thing is that you can specify "json" or "plain" mode into URL and you will get only HASH in response. Schema of this future: https://md5calc.com/hash/<ALGORITHM>.<OUTPUT:plain|json>/<PHRASE> Example: https://md5calc.com/hash/md5.json/hello+world Will output only: "5eb63bbbe01eeed093cb22bb8f5acdc3"

If you have string that contains complicated urlencoded characters you can send it directly via params to avoid processing of our url parser. Use:
str - for string to encode
algo - for algorithm
output - for output type (empty, "json" or "plain")
https://md5calc.com/hash?algo=<ALGORITHM>&str=<PHRASE>&output=<OUTPUT:plain|json> https://md5calc.com/hash?algo=md5&str=hello%0Aworld https://md5calc.com/hash/md5?str=hello%0Aworld

Usage from Javascript

We have removed CORS restriction so you can use direct access to hash calculator in your javascript applications via AJAX.


var toEncode = 'hello world';
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (xhr.readyState == 4 && xhr.status == 200) {
console.log('JSON of "'+toEncode+'" is "'+JSON.parse(xhr.response)+'"');
xhr.open('GET', 'https://md5calc.com/hash/md5.json/'+encodeURIComponent(toEncode), true);
Will output: JSON of "hello world" is "5eb63bbbe01eeed093cb22bb8f5acdc3"

Usage from PHP

You can use direct access to hash in your applications.

PHP Example: <?php
$str = 'hello world';
$url ='https://md5calc.com/hash/md5.plain/'.urlencode($str);
$md5hash = file_get_contents($url);
echo 'Hash of "'.$str.'" is "'.$md5hash.'"';
Will output: Hash of "hello world" is "5eb63bbbe01eeed093cb22bb8f5acdc3"

Chains of algorithms

In some cases you can need encode string with two or more algorithms. For these cases we have introduced chains of algorithms. For example if you need to encode string according to this schema md5(sha512(sha1('hello world'))) you can do this by connecting algorithms with a double dash: https://md5calc.com/hash/md5--sha512--sha1/hello+world If you will do this in your address bar you can also use semicolon instead of double dash. https://md5calc.com/hash/md5;sha512;sha1/hello+world Pay attention that semicolon should be encoded in url, so if you use it not in your browser, you should use '%3B' instead https://md5calc.com/hash/md5%3Bsha512%3Bsha1/hello+world Such approach can be also used with "plain" and "json" mode https://md5calc.com/hash/md5--sha512--sha1.plain/hello+world https://md5calc.com/hash/md5;sha512;sha1.json/hello+world

You can also use special chain item "b64d" or "base64decode" to make base64 decode. It can help to hash any of not printable characters. Example: https://md5calc.com/hash/md5.plain/hello+world https://md5calc.com/hash/b64d--md5.plain/aGVsbG8gd29ybGQ= will be the same: 5eb63bbbe01eeed093cb22bb8f5acdc3

Carriage Return and Line Feed characters

At present time our text editor doesn't have functionality that can take into account which of those characters you want to keep in string. This problem come from browsers which normalize all of the line endings to "CRLF" ("\r\n") format according to "HTML specification". It means that if you paste from buffer string
"hello\nword" and press "Encode", your browser will convert it to "hello\r\nword" and only after this your browser send FORM to us. As a result we will show you hash of "hello\r\nword" but not "hello\nword"

You can avoid this with encode string to "base64" on your side and use "Chains of algorithms" that described above.

Example 1: Hash from string with only Line Feed (LF) character Text: hello\nworld
Text encoded to BASE64: aGVsbG8Kd29ybGQ=
URL: https://md5calc.com/hash/b64d--md5.plain/aGVsbG8Kd29ybGQ=
RESULT: 9195d0beb2a889e1be05ed6bb1954837

Example 2: Hash from string with Carriage Return (CR) and Line Feed (LF) character. This result you will have if you use editor with CR, LF or CRLF symbols.
Text: hello\r\nworld
Text encoded to BASE64: aGVsbG8NCndvcmxk
URL: https://md5calc.com/hash/b64d--md5.plain/aGVsbG8NCndvcmxk
RESULT: 6a4316b18e6162cf9fcfa435c8eb74c1

How to calculate xxh64 hash in PHP with hash function

Since version 5.1.2 PHP contains function hash() that you can use to get xxh64 hash from strings.

    $str = '¡Hola!';
    $hash = hash('xxh64', $str, false);
    echo '<pre>';
    echo $str.PHP_EOL
         .' &rarr; '.$hash.PHP_EOL
    echo '</pre>';
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